Haveva Reserve
Elevate your cigar experience to higher heights.
The Only Hemp infused Cigar
Tobacco leaf
These cigars boast a meticulous construction, utilizing only the finest Cuban seed wrappers and long fillers. Every puff embodies the essence of Cuba, meticulously crafted to honor its esteemed characteristics.
Hemp extract
Indulge in the luxury of our Long Nicaragua filler cigars, each infused with over 4000 hemp-derived cannabinoids. Rest assured, our products are THC-free, offering a relaxing experience without the psychoactive effects of cannabis.
The Experience
Take a moment to unwind and savor this exquisite masterpiece of a cigar. With the harmonious blend of tobacco and cannabinoids, expect a serene and calming experience. For your safety, we recommend refraining from driving and instead, consider calling your chauffeur to ensure a peaceful journey.
Introducing the Maduro XIV
A tantalizingly rich figurado Nicaraguan cigar that embodies the epitome of luxury and craftsmanship.
Nestled between the lush landscapes of Costa Rica and Honduras, Nicaragua boasts a climate closer to the equator than Cuba, providing the perfect environment for cultivating our exquisite maduro leaves. Crafted with precision and passion, each puff of the Maduro XIV delivers an unrivaled sensory journey, enveloping you in layers of complex flavors and aromas. From the first draw to the last lingering exhale, indulge in a symphony of taste and texture that only the finest tobacco can offer.
Exclusive to Africa, our limited production of just 4,444 cigars per year ensures that each smoke is a rare treasure, meticulously crafted to perfection. Elevate your smoking experience to new heights with the Maduro XIV, where uncompromising quality meets unparalleled indulgence.
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